"You have power over your mind - not outside events
Realize this, and you will find strength."
Marcus Aurelius

Yogulum Rishikesh, India (May 2023)

Tara O'Neil, C.Ht., M.S.T., RYT 500

 Clinical Hypnotherapist: Board Certified

NLP Neuro-Linguistic-Programming Practitioner

Time Line Therapy® Practitioner
Center for Advanced Life Skills – Los Angeles, Ca

LIGHT Practitioner
Center for Integrative Skills – University of California San Diego

Certified Life Coach
The Academy of Applied Life Psychology



Certified Yoga Instructor (200 RTY)
Anahata Yoga Shala – Koh Phangan, Thailand

Advanced Certified Yoga Instructor (300 RTY)
Yogkalum – Rishikesh, India



Master’s in Teaching, Instruction & Curriculum
Drexel University

Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice & Sociology
The University of Scranton

Certified Teacher – Credentials (K-12)
Mathematics – Family & Consumer Science
Library Science – Technology – Science
English as a Second Language (TESOL)

Meet Tara O'Neil

A Dedicated Professional in the Field of Holistic Wellness

Exploring the Depths:
Tara O’Neil is more than a practitioner; she is a dedicated seeker, yogi, and metaphysician who marvels at the intricate tapestry of the human experience. Driven by a profound curiosity about neurobiology, evolution, and ancient wisdom, Tara brings a unique perspective to her work.

Living in the Present:
As a practitioner of the now, Tara embraces the present moment with reverence and mindfulness. Her commitment to being fully present allows her to connect deeply with her clients and facilitate meaningful transformations.

A Mission of Service:

Tara’s mission is clear: to awaken the infinite potential that lies within each individual and to serve with kindness and compassion. Through her work, she seeks to empower others to unlock their inner wisdom and live authentically.

Join Tara O’Neil on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where ancient wisdom meets modern science. With Tara as your guide, you’ll embark on a path of personal growth and transformation, guided by kindness, compassion, and a deep reverence for the human spirit.

Embracing Life's Curveballs: A Journey to Hypnotherapy



Have you ever felt like the universe was trying to nudge you in a certain direction, but you kept stubbornly looking the other way? That was me. I resisted the signs until the universe finally had enough and decided to shake things up.

The Dark Night of the Soul:

Picture this: after the end of a nine-year relationship, I found myself at a crossroads, feeling utterly lost. But instead of letting despair consume me, I chose to embark on a journey of self-discovery that would change everything.

The Missing Piece:
I threw myself into every self-help avenue imaginable, from books to workshops to spiritual retreats. Yet, despite my efforts, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something vital was still eluding me. It wasn’t until I delved into the depths of my subconscious that everything clicked into place.

Fast-Track to Transformation:
Here’s the thing: change doesn’t have to be a slow, agonizing process. It can be rapid and exhilarating if you’re willing to take the leap. I’m living proof of that. And guess what? If you are reading this, YOU can do it too.

The Power Within:
Imagine having the ability to rewrite the script of your life, to mold your mind and circumstances to your liking. Well, here’s the good news: you already possess that power. Our brains are like clay, endlessly malleable through a phenomenon called neuroplasticity.

The Take Away
So, if you’re feeling stuck or unsure of your path, take heart. Your journey may have its twists and turns, but every step brings you closer to your true self. Embrace the signs, trust in your inner wisdom, and watch as the universe conspires to lead you exactly where you’re meant to be


"Accept No one's Definition of your life; define yourself."
Robert Frost

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