What's REALLY Holding You Back?

UNBLOCK the subconscious barriers, fears, and patterns preventing you from living the life you desire.


Tara's powerful protocol rewires the brain through neuroplasticy.

Reprogramming your mind to release the inhibiting old patterns and create a natural state of flow, easily creating and expanding

Tara O'Neil

What YouGain



Eliminate Overthinking and Indecision


End Self-Sabotaging Behaviors


Experience True Self Acceptance & Inner Peace


Release Fear of the Unknown and Gain ‘Control’ of Your Life


Start Fresh

Imagine a life where you wake up from a full night of sleep, refreshed, clear-headed, and energized.

Fall back in love with your life.

Tara O'Neil

Begin Your Journey

How it Works


Book Call

Free 30 minute session



Share Your Needs and Discuss Options



Choose a Proven Program Best Suited for You



Immediately Enjoy the Benefits!

1 on 1

One on one

1:1 VIP
High-Level Coaching

I'll hold the clear vision of your new self strongly, until you get there.

Merging ancient wisdom and modern science. 

Utilize the Healing Power of Neuroplasticity

Tara O’Neil’s practice embodies compassion and wisdom, providing a nurturing space for healing and growth. Each session is a unique blend of empathy, science, and spirituality, meeting the individual needs of her clients.


Group coaching

90 Day Nervous System Reset

Reset. Restore. Rebuild.

Do you feel drained and disconnected despite your successes? Are you prone to burnout? Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you worry or overthink? Is it taking a toll on your body?

Imagine a space where you can deeply restore, heal, and still create and expand with ease.

*Complete Program, Weekly Live Coaching, Weekly Live Hypnosis


Sharing the Secrets

Everything you can imagine is real.

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein

Tara O'Neil


Meet Tara

I get it.  For years, I was stuck in the cycle of self-sabotage—overworked, overwhelmed, and convinced that more effort would change everything. Despite my hard work, I kept hitting an invisible ceiling, always held back by something within me.

Everything shifted once I cleared  my subconscious blocks. Our mind is always trying to protect us—though needs to be updated. These old programs designed to keep us safe where the exact  thing standing in my way. When I rewrote that story and eradicated those beliefs, I became free to grow, expand, and experience success and fulfillment like never before.

But this journey isn’t about me—it’s about you.               YOU are the hero of this story, and I’m here as your guide. I’ve walked this path, and now my mission is to help you.

Hear from those just like you


I believe Tara is an Angel on earth healing and transforming lives.

I wish I could let you feel my heart and all the gratitude I have for this life changing experience; when I began working with Tara I was broken. I was suffering from an illness and I had severe anxiety, depression, no patience, and anger. I wanted to be happy & feel free I just didn't know how. I was a prisoner trapped inside my head with things from my childhood, as well as my everyday life struggles, the world, the news, losing a loved one--everything negatively affected me. I had no control and then I found Tara and with tears in my eyes, I asked her to please help me…

And since that day, I have never been the same. I have not cried or felt hopeless or anger. I feel complete freedom. I wake up excited with no fear but positivity and ready for the day. My heart is filled with love, compassion , hope, and calmness. I feel confident in myself my stomach has healed and, I was able to lose 20lbs with Tara's help as well; she helped me diminish my sugar cravings. I feel like super woman sometimes ever since I have had my sessions with Tara. I can't remember the pain from my childhood or even hold a negative thought my mind only. I see the good in everything and everyone I am around ,I don't engage with arguments or road rage or negative people. My mind doesn't accept it.

I am so grateful that I took the first step into changing my life and everyone around me has noticed my transformation and says I'm so much happier and lovable. I believe she is an Angel on earth healing and transforming lives. I highly recommend her to anyone that is in need of help in any aspect of their lives. Tara O'Neil knows exactly how to help you!

Amanda Marie

The universe obviously guided me to the right person because it was the BEST decision I have ever made.

As a cognitive therapist for years, I was initially intrigued by hypnotherapy and serendipitously found Tara. The universe obviously guided me to the right person because it was the BEST decision I have ever made.

As a former Army officer who has served on four deployments, I was initially seeking help with anxiety, insomnia and re-wiring my brain from past traumas. What I have received through this process with Tara has surpassed ALL my expectations. I feel stronger and more aware today than I have ever in my life. I look forward to every session with her.

Jane E.

I can’t say enough about her and what a wonderful therapist and beautiful, kind person she is.

Tara O'Neil is amazing! She has helped me get down to the root cause of my anxiety due to past experiences at a subconscious level that I wasn’t even aware of. She has helped me see myself in a different light and have compassion for myself and loved ones as well as set healthy boundaries. I can’t say enough about her and what a wonderful therapist and beautiful, kind person she is.

Laura L.


Sharing the Secrets

Purge the Past.
Heal the Hurt.
Release & Restore.

Without the right support, chronic stress can continue to deteriorate your health, affect your relationships, and diminish your joy.

Tara O'Neil

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Are you living in Survival Mode?


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